Sunday, January 25, 2009

Latest Blog

Wow, what a difference a week makes. In less than seven days the new administration in Washington is paying attention to Education, its become cool to be smart and recognizing the importance of the Brain has become important.
What will the next week, the next month bring?

This week I am announcing our first Teleclass. On February 18th, please join us for a free (for ezine subscribers) one hour teleclass on Bullying. You can learn in the comfort of your own home by phoning in or by listening in on your computer (no long distance charges) from David Halstead, "The Brain Guy" the internationally known authority on Bullies & Bullying and author of the best selling book "The Bully Around the Corner: Changing Brains - Changing Behaviours".
We are firming up the details and I will be posting them asap. In the meantime contact me @ to secure a place in this class.

Just a reminder to Whitelist the address in the "From" line of the ezine. Check with your mail server if you unsure how to do this. I'm getting more and more ezines returned as "Spam" because the hypervigilant spam filters reject any emails not on their whitelist or acceptable list.
So to ensure you get every issue please do this or change your address to your home address.
Many thanks.
More next time

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